General Dentistry

General practitioner is the main provider of dental care. He is the one who will diagnose, manage and treat the most common dental problems offering a wide range of treatments, such as:

It’s the way gingivitis is treated. Gingivitis is bacterial infection that causes gingival bleeding, swelling and erythema due to lack of proper oral hygiene. Ultrasonic, hand instruments and Airflow are used for Prophy and the gingiva return at the physiological condition.

They are the best way to restore decayed teeth, whereas old amalgam fillings can now be replaced with composite ones to achieve the best aesthetic result.

When the pulp of a tooth is infected, damaged or dead, it has to be removed along with the vessels and nerves from the root and be replaced with suitable filling material. This way the tooth can remain in the mouth for a long time.

Replacement of missing teeth:

Bridges: They are constructions which are permanently cemented replacing one or more teeth restoring mastication

Crowns: Teeth that are significantly destroyed or endodontically treated should be covered with crowns fitting at the contour of the tooth. Just like bridges they can be metal-ceramic or all-ceramic.

Partial Dentures: When most of teeth are lost, the remaining ones are strategically used to support a partial denture, which is removed every night reestablishing mastication.

Full Dentures: When all teeth are lost removable appliances are made ahich are supported n the remaining gingiva substituting mastication.

A beautiful smile every day

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